
This car is the most dificult situation i ever faced with limited equipment .. An very swirly car with some nasty scratches from scothbrite

The owner cleaned the car with the scothbrite to get rid of the tar to the car

The car when arrived in my garage it looks good nly the wheels needed some cleaning
I cleaned the wheels with bilbery diluted 1-5 and then some iron x on the wheels and the paint

Then the car clayed and wash again to faced this

And from distance car look like that

The most dificult part of the polishing was the roof and the bonnet because of the scothcrite scratches

So after one hit with surbuf and m101 i ended with this

After i finish these part my surf buf broke so i continue with mf pad and m101
Not the perfect correction because i didnt have another surbuf

And some cheching to the sun

Finishing step was with m105 and green edge pad
Gloss it products for lsp

Some scratches were inpossible to remove with mf pads but overall i belive that a made an imromevent