Been testing out my new carpet extractor I picked up lately to really take interior details to the next level and figured my Blazer was a good area to test some of the new chemicals. The kid that owned it before me never took care of the interior and moved small CC motors around without covering them so the rear has oil stains everywhere and a VERY large one in the middle. The oil stains are pretty old and nice and heat soaked into the carpet. So tried out some new chemicals and the new machine to see how good it works and all I can say is....Very very nice!

What the rear carpet looked like when I first got the truck, all I have ever done was just vacuum the area...

After spending about 2 and a half hours on the interior doing every piece of cloth even the seats...

Not bad for a probably 10 year old oil stain. I will go back over it in a few weeks once it dries out with another round of the chemicals and probably pull some more out of each of those large stains.