Griots Garage Track Spray caught me attention the first time I read about it. My thought ranged from "cool idea" to "gimmick". I couldn't imagine the product actually achieving it's claims.

This summer when I visited the Griots store in Tacoma, I half joked with my wife about Track Spray and how it would be handy for removing cone marks after an autocross event. Somehow she managed to convince me to pick up a bottle. Since that time, it has sat on my shelf untested. I enjoyed a season of pretty clean runs, free from taking out any cones. Until the last event of the season where I inflicted a bit of carnage on the cones.

While swapping bout my wheel after the event, I saw this: a nice rubber stripe around the wheel.

The time for track spray arrived! I sprayed the area with a quick shot of product, let it sit for about five seconds, and then wiped. Every trace of the cone transfer is gone!

Moving around to the other side of the car, I then noticed this mark and I got a sinking feeling. The cones had inflicted some serious revenge on my car.

Again I pulled out track spray thinking it would remove the rubber transfer and reveal the real damage. I wasn't expecting it to all wipe away. There was no paint damage at all!

I also found a much bigger spot on the passenger door, but got so excited by Track Pray removing the rubber transfer I totally. Forgot to take pictures.

I can now say, this product is legitimate. It easily removes rubber rubbings from traffic cones and likely would remove rubber gloves and tar balls from a track day or auto race just as easy. It goes on thick like a gel and clings nicely to vertical surfaces. It easily wipes right off.

Now the bad news: it may wipe out any LSP on your car. I washed my car the day after I used Track Spray and noticed the water behavior of my coating was totally gone on the two sports I applied the spray. Gyeon Pure EVO has fantastic beading and sheeting, so it was quite obvious. I hoping Track Spray may have just clogged up the coating, but won't know for sure until I wash it a couple more times.

Overall I'm very pleased by how it effortlessly removed the rubber transfer, but just a touch concerned by it removing or altering the LSP.