Offline - Pictures Texas Roadshow Class with Mike Phillips Autogeek

For the next few days I'll be mostly offline as I'm travelling to Texas and then setting up for the 2-day roadshow class and then teaching it. I travel back on Monday and back into the office on Wednesday.

I'd like to ask all our regular forum members to keep an eye on the forum and hold the fort down. Here's where the class will be held,

Pro Reflection Detail Shop
501 W Powell Lane Unit 208
Austin, Texas 78753
Host Website -

Good News!

Our pallet that weighs 1,314 pounds has arrived to the ProReflectionShop in Austin Texas!

And here's the pictures I have so far of the cars this class will be training on.

Highly customized 2013 Ford F150

1966 Mercedes-Benz 280SL

2012 Mercedes-Benz E350

2017 Kia Forte

2000 Honda

Chevy Trailblazer SS


Here you can see the swirls in the corner - my guess is the entire car looks like this...

More to come...