I was contacted by a friends father to do his E90 M3, it was to be a fairly low class deal, just a rinse and wax. I figured an M3 owner would treat his care well, and all it owuld need is a nice freshening. This was not the case. He had let his 11 year old son Scotchbrite the whole damn thing! And the owner, despite my humble advice, is insistent on not using my PC, he had heard from "his good car buddies" that a buffer would mess up the clear coat. "No more than that Scotchbrite" I wanted to mumble . I want desperately want to save this machine, but I've never done anykind of restoration by hand, figuring only the PC has the "umpf". My question is, is it possible to save this Beemer by hand, and if so, what products? I'm clearly a noob, so please, ignore any overt display of noob-ishness. Any and all help is much appreciated.