It's been a while since I have done a write up. We have been super busy with work so sorry about that guys.

This 2 RRs came from a new client of ours that found us on Jaguar forums.

First RR...

Washing stages........

The car was in bad shape. Owner had explained to me, that he never cared for his car, automatic washes with brushes, 10 car warwashes at his job as well and he knew that he wasn't doing any good to his paint. Again, I appreciate him being honest about it and sometimes that's good to hear. This time he wanted to fall in love with his car again....make it perfect.

A quick 50/50 after compounding only


50/50 on the hood after compound only





This image was after the car received the 2nd stage ( Polishing )

Look how wet the paint looks (healthier too)

This side of the car, was in bad shape as well. He had brushed up against some trees in his house.



After 2 steps of polishing, the car received another important step, IPA wipe down, twice! To ensure no oils left by the polish and to inspect the paint another time (critical)

We do panel by panel, IPA and inspect, so the 2nd IPA on the car we make sure to redo again. My guys would be coming over in the morning to install the Xpel Ultimate in the front end of the car so it gave me time to apply a good sealant on the car and leaving curing as well.

3am and the car was done

Following morning after Xpel Ultimate installed

Beauty pictures

Almost forgot a before/after the engine. Again owner was honest with me, lol, never bothered cleaning the engine and well, it was obvious.


2nd RR

Before/after ( some scratches and paint defects were to severe to go after) Owner knew about it so he wasn't expecting miracles.



After (notice my knee mat/support, from a shelby cobra) lol.


Before/After (this part was bad)


After the car completely polished and sealed.

Final shots

Stay tuned for the 3rd and final RR.............