Howdy AGO! Long time since I have done a write up...

I have before me a 1995 BMW M3 Dakar (I) Yellow...

This car is well loved by it's owner and well used too!

He wanted to know what can be done to make her look a lot better as the paint has faded from that stunning yellow to a pastel Easter candy yellow...

This will be getting worked on tomorrow...

The process will go something like this:

Dawn foam bath and heavy rinse
Claying with CG Blue Clay and Luber
Megs Ultimate compound with CG HexLogic White 5.5in pads
Then CG JetSeal 109 for the protection

The wheels will be getting a treatment with either Flitz or Megs metal polish then topped with some CG JS109 (this is just my thoughts as of right now though)

The owner drives this car all the time in the last two years (since he bought it) he has put close to 30k on it! He loves to drive it obviously but is tired of the faded look so he brought it to me to give it some love on a tight budget...

On to the pics:

As it arrived

All of the wheels look like this...

So I hit a tiny area to see what I wanted to do and this is what happened:

More to come tomorrow as the transformation happens...