So a friend of mine from our local racing group was gifted a 2012 CRV with a blown motor. His sister starved it of oil and as a full-on mechanic it only took him a handful of parts and 2 weeks of his own labor to completely restore it and get it running like new. The vehicle body inside and out has over 189k miles on it thus he brought it to me to do the cosmetic restoration.

We decided on a Basic Polish and Protect as even with that I can get a near full correction on it. HD Speed, my Flex 3401 and some green and orange L.C. Flat pads did the trick. We also decided to restore and coat the plastics. CarPro Dlux did the trick here. Lastly, I polished and dressed up the glass with coating to help give him the full treatment. LOL that he texted me a few days later stating that the window wash fluid would fly off before the wipers could get to it so he had to time the spray. Haha! No ceramic on the paint this time as he may decide to flip it and didn't want to go too far cost wise. Inside, a full leather cleaning and carpet extraction and dressing of the interior got it back to near new as well.

Enjoy the pics! Some are pretty nasty though.

Some before pics inside and out:

Now for some After Pics:

Not the best day for outside pics but it is winter in Ohio: