So David, a fellow Racing Enthusiast and Member in a local group I'm a part of has brought me several vehicles over the years. He's got an eye for finding some pretty cool stuff but they do often need some love. This SUV was no exception.

This 14 year old beast has rolled just over 150k and recently came to him from Buffalo, NY thus it lived a tough life, especially weather wise. The goal here wasn't perfection nor even any real correction. Rather David chose my Basic Polish & Protect offering. It is not a paint correction package, but the use of a machine polisher combined with the proper polishing agents best for that manufacturers paint will smooth out fine blemishes greatly reducing the appearance of swirls & imperfections while brightening the paint’s color to enhance the gloss of the protective sealant. In this case, Lexus has really easy paint to work on, it actually yielded some pretty outstanding results for the combination thrown at it. To freshen things up a bit he also opted for full Chlorine Dioxide Treatment to remove lingering odors including that of smoke.

Overall now the beast is super clean, has outstanding gloss, polished glass, restored rear bumper cover and running boards and no longer smells like smoke.

Polished with both a Flex 3401 and a XCE with Lake Country Orange Flat Pads and Rupes Blue Wool Pads using HD Speed.

As you can see, it was pretty rough. Nothing I've not seen before however but nonetheless pretty rough.

With a few passes, quite a bit of an improvement was had

Combined with swirls all over, random scratches on every panel, oxidation made it's way in to the situation as well.

Even after nearly 2hrs of washing and decontaminating the vehicles finish what remained caused even the smaller panels to call for multiple pads. I think I used upwards nearly 24 pads for the entire vehicle.

Overall, however, I think the efforts were worth it