Well, let me tell you. Being someone who lives and dies by the makita...it is a new ball game every time products and pads are changed.

What I mean by that, is that there's not really any specific method to getting it done right. It's a lot of trial and error. I mean, unless someone uses your specific line of pads and product with the Makita every day, it's gonna be tough to guide you.

I will say though...that you will absolutely not get the results you want without a finishing pad. You might want to try some 205 with a finish pad. I get great results with it. Although, I do find 205 to work better with a DA than a rotary. Try 85rd...that might help you out.

Also, don't expect any black finish to come out without holograms when using a wool pad. You just have to work in levels. Start aggressive, less aggressive, then the least aggressive to finish.