I'd like to start by saying that I'm sorry for taking so long to review this product. I was one of the lucky winners from a contest Todd was kind enough to have about a month ago. I had a very filthy German wheel lined up for the review but the person backed out at the last minute. Not sure why as he was going to be getting a free thorough car wash. I decided to just do the review on either my car or my wife's. I decided to not wash both our cars for a month and see which car had the dirtiest wheels for the review. As it turns out I must have some magical brake pads because there was not much brake dust even after a month so my wife's Mazda 3 was the winner.

I'm not going to type out the instructions on how to use this product as I'm sure most of you already know and I wouldn't want to insult your intelligence.

Here is the test subject. Wheel was cool and dry to the touch.

This is what the wheel looked like after I liberally sprayed it down. I must add that I love the spray head on this bottle. It releases a nice spray pattern on the wheels and doesn't waste a lot of product.

This is what the wheel looked like after 5 minutes.

Here is the wheel after hosing it down with a hose and nozzle. No pressure washer was used and it left the wheel clean to the touch.

Thoughts: Scholl has a great product on their hands with Rim7. The smell is a little strong but the cleaning ability more than makes up for it. The iron eating ability is almost instant as soon as it touches the wheel. The product is thick and clings to the wheel which is nice. I did not spray down the tire with it as I never use wheel cleaners for tires so I can not comment on how well it cleans tires.

Conclusion: Although Rim7 performs great, I don't see me purchasing this product once I run out. I am not a professional detailer and only wash my cars. I do a weekly wash on them so the wheels never get that dirty. I will be reusing the bottle however. I plan on putting my heavily diluted wheel cleaner in there and using it.

Thanks for taking the time to ready my review. I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have of this product.