tire foam applicators, tire swipe

I had been using some Eagle One tire foam tire applicators I bought at the auto parts stores to apply tire dressings. They work fine, BUT are made from a very soft foam, and when fully saturated the product gets absorbed right into the base foam grip. This means messy. They also fall apart on rough tires to.

I was looking for better, and in my order a while back I gave these a try.

First off, the foam is rather coarse or dense, not to the point of damaging a tires finish, but coarse enough to have some cleaning ability. It also does a great job of keeping the product close to the surface and the shape makes it easy to handle. The cleaning part is nice because some tire gels actually have cleaners in them (McKee's 37 per Nick). I was able to apply the tire gel nice and even and it seemed to require less product and spread it further.

Overall, I like these.