Review: Machine Tire Scrubber by Mike Phillips - NO SHOCK HAZARD WHILE WASHING YOUR CAR!

Recently we brought in a cordless spot repair polisher and I was asked to test it out. I charged the battery and the affixed a couple different types of buffing pads, placed it against a body panel turned it on a just as expected, the little hand held drill looking tool spun the pad against the paint. I sent in my feedback that the tool did in deed work to buff paint but what where I think it really shines, (no pun intended), is as shock-proof machine tire scrubber.

What am I talking about?

I'm talking about machine scrubbing your tires instead of hand scrubbing and I'm talking about using this little handheld cordless polisher as a machine tire scrubber. You see, this tool unlike a drill uses an attatchment design that uses a 5/16" fine thread spindle not a universal adjustable chuck like most drills.

Guess what?

The Cyclo brushes have a 5/16" fine thread spindle. This means they will thread onto this cordless polisher and turn it into a cordless machine scrubber.

Check it out...

Here's an old 2-door Chevy with some period correct tires....

Here's the Mighty Mini Cordless Polisher with a Cyclo Aqua Upholstery Brush

Picture kind of does the talking...

And here's the deal.... machines always outperform the human when it comes to most detailing procedures....

And besides doing a better job of getting the brown tire blooming off your car's tires as well as just about everything else, because this tool is CORDLESS you cannot get shocked while machine scrubbing your tires.

Shocked you ask?

Yes, shocked. I can remember being shocked while machine scrubbing some tires on a Ferrari in the below article, check out the 2nd and 3rd picture. Note there's no water on the ground in this pictures. The shock came when I learned the importance of washing the downhill tire FIRST, not the uphill tire.

How to wash Ferrari Wheels and Tires

I don't know if I'm the original source for showing people how to turn their Porter Cable 7424 Dual Action Polisher into a dual action tire scrubber but I have the oldest article I can find on this topic on the Internet. The time stamp on this article is March 28th, 2013

Best darn tire cleaning brush I've ever used!

Here's the first video I made on this procedure dated October 25th, 2013 --> Screenshot

Rotary vs Orbital

Another benefit to this tool is that it is a rotary action, that is the brush is spun in a single direction and like all drills the power is delivered via gears, that is it is gear-driven, not free spinning. ANYONE that has ever used a Porter Cable or Griot's Garage or any copy of these two tools to machine scrub tires knows two things,

1: Just like polishing paint with a free spinning polisher you have to turn the speed up to the highest setting and pay attention to how you hold the polisher to maintain BRUSH rotation. Not so with this cordless tool, it's gear driven and the brush always spins.

2: When you use an orbital polisher to machine scrub the portion of the tire that's close to the concrete, the reciprocating backing on the brush bangs into the ground and makes a horrible sound plus vibrates the heck out of your hands. Not so with this cordless tool.

Machine scrubbing your tires is the only way to go....

On Autogeek

Mighty Mini Cordless Polisher aka Machine Tire Scrubber

2 Pack Cyclo Polisher Aqua Soft Carpet Brush

TUF SHINE Tire Clearcoat 16 ounce