Review: SONAX Spray + Seal Review by Mike Phillips

SONAX Spray + Seal

Here's the fastest way to protect your car at the same time you're washing it!


NO - This is not a "drying aid" although it is used the same way. This is actually a legitimate spray on sealant that is actually fast and easy. I say this because it's real common for someone to say,

This product is fast and easy

When in reality... it's not (not fast and easy). But this product truly is fast and easy. AND --> It makes the paint feel SILKY as you wipe the surface dry. There is nothing grabby or rubbery about this product. As you wipe standing water you'll will notice how silky the paint feels as the drying towel glides effortlessly over the finish.

Heck... there's actually not a lot of water to wipe off in the first place as this product makes the water hit the road Jack and never look back.

Simply wash and rinse your car and before drying off any standing water, spray the car down with SONAX Spray + Seal AND THEN towel dry the car.

So yeah, it works like a drying aid but it protects with technology created by SONAX! And SONAX makes good stuff!

There's a lot of products I like but only a few product I LOVE and this is one of them. We just received the first shipment and I can already predict in a LOT of my future write-ups you'll see me including this as one of my step for the washing process, especially my own cars!

The above is my review and I'm sticking to it. Prove me wrong - order some, try it out and if you don't agree with everything I wrote above - contact customer care and they'll make it right. I post this because I'm so confident that you, like me, are going to love this product. Especially if your a CLEAN CAR FANATIC and you never mind washing your car because you value the reward of driving a clean, shiny car.

Step-by-Step Directions

Step 1: Wash your car.

I'm personally a huge fan of the Microfiber Chenille Wash Mitts

Step 2: Rinse car thoroughly - You need and want to remove all the dirt and grime you loosened with your wash mitt. (just like normal)

Step 3: Spray SONAX SPRAY + SEAL onto each panel with a mist of product. (Spray to a manageable sized panel or section at a time)

Step 4: Re-Rinse the panel with a spray of water.

Step 5: Wipe the car dry using a clean, dry microfiber drying towel. I like and use the Guzzler 20 x 40 towels for almost all my projects.

I strongly recommend getting the 3-pack. You can dry anything with just 3 of these towels.


SONAX Spray + Seal

Very cool technology - nice one SONAX!