Review: Mothers Power Cone - 1962 Impala SS by Mike Phillips

At a recent 3-day detailing class here at Autogeek we had a 1962 Impala SS that my class used as a training car for the FLEX power tools, SONAX products and Gtechniq Ceramic Coatings. I had them leave the wheels as they were so later I could machine polish them for a new Mothers video and for this review.

Review: I like the old Mothers power ball for machine polishing aluminum wheels and other items but this new Mothers Power Cone kicks Aluminum butt! I really punished hard and I though it would only be good for one set of wheels and by the time I was finished with all 4 wheels the foam would be so shredded and torn that it would be dumpster-worthy.

I was wrong.

This new foam material and shape is as tough as nails when it comes to durability but a real smooth operator when it comes to your car's show-off shoes.

If you have a set of aluminum wheels and they are dull and ugly, I highly recommend the new Mothers Power Cone along with the Mothers Aluminum & Mag Wheel Polish. Faster than you could ever do by hand along, in no time you're wheel will gleam and shine like fine jewelry.

Check it out...

Here's the wheels, they are fairly dull and lifeless. I'm going to test out both corded and cordless drills.

A little tape to show before-and-after differences...

Both my Power Cones are used and dirty from the last class...

You want some gloves, aluminum polishing is messy... even with a drill. The reason why is you still have to wipe off the residue by hand...

The lazy man's way - dip the tip of the cone into the jar of polish and blip the trigger a few seconds...

Dab some polish onto sections of the wheel...

Get busy.... a medium speed seems to work best, not too slow, not too fast...

Here comes the big reveal...

Drum roll please...

BOOM! There it is...

Oh yeah.... looking good....

That's what I'm talking about....

But there's more!