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  1. #11
    Super Member MarkD51's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Very nice Mike.
    In the AG Store, the Waffle Weave sitting next to this Towel looks like a sheet of newspaper.

  2. #12
    Super Member FrankS's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Nice review Mike!

    Added to my wish list.

  3. #13
    Super Member KBsToy's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Quote Originally Posted by ronkh57 View Post
    Cyber sale 1 large.... 1 med also met sale requirements also

  4. #14
    Super Member FocusSTguy's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Quote Originally Posted by fly07sti View Post
    How do these compare to the GG PFM grey towels?

    I started using the PFM towels a couple months ago and couldn't believe how much better they were than my waffle weave towels.

  5. #15
    Mike Phillips

    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Quote Originally Posted by dcjredline View Post

    The problem I have always come across with thick larger towels like these is this...HOW IN THE WORLD DO YOU WRING ONE OF THOSE OUT???? lol.
    Like Nick said, they hold enough water that you don't need to wring them out. As I dried the water off this Eclipse I never had to stop and wring water out of any of the towels.

    Quote Originally Posted by paul_g View Post

    Great review Mike! I added them to my wish list...

    Thank you and good to hear, if you have a car with paint in great shape you'll love these drying towels.

    I have a boatload of products to use and review and we use a term here at AG called Double Dipping, this means getting more work done out of the same job. This project started out as me needing to test out the new Griot's Fine Glass Polish. I teach two ways of polishing glass to remove topical defects, (NOT scratches IN the glass), and my preferred way is to polish glass BEFORE washing the car. This way you can avoid taping off the inside of the window frames to keep glass gaskets clean and simply wash off all the glass polish residue when you wash the car. This turned into more double dipping as I used the Griot's Convertible Top Cleaner. This turned into more double dipping as I then used the Griot's new Fabric Protectant. And even more double dipping as I used the Griot's Wheel Cleaner. It's easy to take pictures, heck everyone I know has a finger and a camera. It's doing something with the pictures after taking them, that's the tricky part. That plus writing.

    Quote Originally Posted by paul_g View Post

    Mike, what would be an appropriate purchase amount? I typically use one large guzzler for horizontal panels and about 4 - 6 smaller guzzlers for vertical.
    Would you state that should be about the same here?
    I found that one of each of the three sizes to be more than enough water holding towel for this car. I like the smallest one for the vertical panels and the medium size for the horizontal panels. If a person were to forgo the largest size then get 2-3 of the medium and small towels. The largest one is freaking huge and by itself will tackle all the horizontal panels of pretty much any car I can think of.

    As I wrote in my original post in this thread, the key to owning and using these towels is to have a washing and storing protocol IN PLACE.

    Quote Originally Posted by chefwong View Post

    Hey Mike

    Are those tags paint friendly
    Good catch chefwong, thank you for pointing the tags out to give me the opportunity to tell everyone how much I LOVE these tags. These tags are held on with adhesive and they pull off real easy. Plus there's only a small amount of adhesive used so after removing the tag from the towel you're not left with a large clump of adhesive still on the towel.

    Here's the Big Blue Drying Towels.

    Here's the descriptive tag

    Before using, remove the tags. There's only a smidgen of adhesive so they will remove easily and won't leave a ton of adhesive residue behind.

    There you go....

    And for the record... always remove the tags before using any towel. All I can say was I was in a rush trying to not just wash a car but test out a lot of products and at the same time, take pictures, (which extends how long any process takes), and then put the pictures together to create reviews and write-ups like you're reading now.

    Quote Originally Posted by fly07sti View Post

    How do these compare to the GG PFM grey towels?
    Totally different look and feel for the microfiber material.

    Since you asked, I just went out and looked at the microfiber of both towels.

    Closed loop nap.
    More stout feel to the towel as compared to the Big Blue Drying Towel. More like terrycloth.

    Big Blue Drying Towel
    Open nap, not a closed loop.
    Softer feel, more like fleece than terrycloth

    Quote Originally Posted by MarkD51 View Post

    Very nice Mike.

    In the AG Store, the Waffle Weave sitting next to this Towel looks like a sheet of newspaper.

    Here's a screenshot from the store page for the Big Blue Drying Towel. A picture tells a thousand words.

    You know... I write very carefully. I normally pick and choose EACH word purposefully as my experience in the online world has taught me if I make a SINGLE mistake there's always someone out their gunning for me. Hoping for and looking for a mistake. Then they point it out, I guess as a way of playing gotcha.

    Luckily for me.... I rarely make a mistake. The tags on the towels that chefwong pointed out is a rare exception and that's the price I pay for hurrying to get a boatload of product reviews done BEFORE Thanksgiving day and the holiday weekend.

    Point being, if we look at what I wrote in my review of these towels, I worded my review, like anything I wrote for the cyberworld VERY CAREFULLY.

    Let's take a look...

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Phillips

    Enter The Big Blue Drying Towels

    When washing a car it's important to use a clean wash mitt to reduce the potential for any accidental marring of the clearcoat during the washing process. When drying the car it's just as important to use a clean, soft drying chamois or drying towel to remove the water without accidentally marring the scratch-sensitive clearcoat.

    That's why everyone loves The Big Blue Drying Towels.

    These things are as soft and plush as a quality throw blanket on the living room couch for your wife, girlfriend or kids to snuggle into on a cold winter night. These towels are PLUSH. Let me say it again...

    These towels are P-L-U-S-H

    By the word plush I meant they are THICK and SUPER SOFT and it's these two features PLUS the way they absorb TONS of water that make them the perfect drying towel any of you paint perfectionists.

    The key to owning and using these towels are,

    1: Have a DEDICATED place to store these towels when not in use. A clean cupboard or a clean plastic container with a lid. Because the nap or pile is thick and soft you don't want any dirt or abrasive particles to get onto the towels and get buried in the nap.

    2: Either place these towels directly into the washing machine after drying your car and then wash, dry and place them in the dedicated storage place mentioned above OR have a dedicated dirty towel hamper in your garage that's also CLEAN to place these into until you can wash, dry and store them.

    3: Only wash them with a quality dedicated microfiber cleaner to preserve the performance, softness, water absorbency and plushness of the microfiber material.

    If you can do the above and you love your car... then you're going to love these incredibly plush and absorbent microfiber drying towels.

    In the CONTEXT of the complete section I wrote above, I explain

    1. It's important to use a clean towel to dry your car's paint to avoid instilling scratches
    2. I describe the towels as being super soft and plush.
    3. I go over three keys to owning and using these towels.

    And the reason I wrote all of the above is because as long as you understand the above and wash, dry and store your towels like I describe above, then you'll be happy. Because these towels have a very plush nap you need to take care of washing and storing them to avoid having foreign debris landing on and lodging in the material. That's why I ended my list above like this,

    If you can do the above and you love your car... then you're going to love these incredibly plush and absorbent microfiber drying towels.

    If you can't wash, dry and store these towels properly then you would be better off with drying towels like the Guzzler drying towels because the Guzzler drying towels have a FLAT weave surface. It's really hard to have any type of foreign particle land on a Guzzler waffle weave drying towel and LODGE onto it or into it. This makes the Guzzler Waffle Weave drying towels incredibly bubba-proof when it comes to washing, drying and storing.

    And when I use the word storing, this means both when the towel is dirty, as in where you place your towels until you launder them. And also storing clean dry towels.

    I've been washing, drying, folding and storing more microfiber towels than most people on earth for going on 13 years. I washed, folded and stored all the towels while I worked for Meguiar's in Irvine, California and since coming to Autogeek I've been in charge of washing, drying, folding and storing all our microfiber towels.

    I'm hear to tell you I've maintained a lot of towels over the years and I know what I'm talking about when it comes to all types of microfiber towels and the point is this...

    If you're reading this and you're interested in these very soft, very plush and very absorbent Big Blue Microfiber Drying Towel and you are a Paint Perfectionist, then you're going to love these drying towels buy you need some knowledge about how to properly take care of them and that's what I've shared above.

    Take a moment to go to Target or Wal-Mart and purchase some type of closed laundry hamper, that is a laundry hamper WITHOUT air passage holes in it. You don't want holes your microfiber towel laundry hamper for your garage with holes because DIRT will blow in and contaminate your towels. You want solid plastic walls.

    Keep your laundry hamper clean before you put towels into it.

    When washing and drying your car, (that's the thing most of us do the most to our cars), immediately AFTER drying your car take your towels and wash, dry and store them to ensure they stay clean and uncontaminated for years of use and satisfaction.

    If you cannot immediately put your drying towels through your washing, drying and storage process then the next best thing is to place them into a laundry hamper or someplace where they will stay clean until you can properly wash, dry and store them.

    With a flat weave drying towel like the Guzzler Waffle Weave drying towels, because they have a flat weave, it's not that you don't want to properly store them either when they are dirty or clean, or wash, dry and store them immediately after use it's just they are less prone to contamination due the flat weave of the material.

    And for the record, the above protocols and recommendations for drying the Big Blue Drying Towels applies to ANY high quality microfiber product with a plush nap. Doesn't matter if the nap is open or a closed loop. Doesn't matter if it is a short pile length or a long pile length, it all has to do with the fact that microfiber is GRABBY. And it will GRAB onto foreign particles and this can lead to scratching your car's paint accidentally.

    I hope all of the above makes sense and helps to break down something that's actually very simple but my guess is most people don't get this deep. I do. It's what I do.

    When I worked for Meguiar's my goal was that Barry Meguiar's would walk out to the garage and at any time grab a clean, laundered microfiber towel and wipe down his car without the fear of scratching the paint.

    When I came to work for Autogeek my goal was the same only instead of keeping the towels clean and contaminant free for Barry I did this for Bob McKee. Now that Bob has retired I don't revert back to shoddy laundry protocols, I do as I’ve always done, I do the job right.

    Protecting your microfiber towel investment is easy, but you need to have a quality control process in place.

  6. #16
    Regular Member LydiaGP's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Well said Mike. I am currently having to replace EVERY MICROFIBER towel in my inventory that I would use on paint because in my break from detailing I made the mistake of doing woodworking in the garage with my MFs in a mesh hamper. Microfibers LOVE sawdust. Really, really stinks because I had some of the older white Meguiar's MFs that I really liked for removing wax (they may have been called Ultimate Wipes? Can't remember for sure). Any that didn't get sawdust in them then, got sawdust transferred when I washed them (second stupid mistake).

    Like you said, the waffle weave drying towels I had are fine.

    I hope I've learned my lesson because I just ordered a lot more microfibers. Don't know what I can find to replace the old white Meg's ones though.

    Sorry, back on topic! Hoping to get some of these Big Blues at a later date as they sure look nice!
    Lydia's Mobile Detailing
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  7. #17
    Super Member AbileneAutoWerx's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Quote Originally Posted by LydiaGP View Post
    Well said Mike. I am currently having to replace EVERY MICROFIBER towel in my inventory that I would use on paint because in my break from detailing I made the mistake of doing woodworking in the garage with my MFs in a mesh hamper. Microfibers LOVE sawdust. Really, really stinks because I had some of the older white Meguiar's MFs that I really liked for removing wax (they may have been called Ultimate Wipes? Can't remember for sure). Any that didn't get sawdust in them then, got sawdust transferred when I washed them (second stupid mistake).

    Like you said, the waffle weave drying towels I had are fine.

    I hope I've learned my lesson because I just ordered a lot more microfibers. Don't know what I can find to replace the old white Meg's ones though.

    Sorry, back on topic! Hoping to get some of these Big Blues at a later date as they sure look nice!
    Sent you a PM.

    Sent from my iPhone using Autogeekonline mobile app

  8. #18
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    I picked up a set of those, they work very well indeed! the tower that keeps on drinking....

  9. #19
    Super Member DogRescuer's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    I prefer ( for that price point ) it's German competitor.
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  10. #20
    Junior Member mpulsiv's Avatar
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    Re: Review: The Big Blue Drying Towel

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Phillips View Post

    Totally different look and feel for the microfiber material.

    Since you asked, I just went out and looked at the microfiber of both towels.

    Closed loop nap.
    More stout feel to the towel as compared to the Big Blue Drying Towel. More like terrycloth.

    Big Blue Drying Towel
    Open nap, not a closed loop.
    Softer feel, more like fleece than terrycloth

    With a flat weave drying towel like the Guzzler Waffle Weave drying towels, because they have a flat weave, it's not that you don't want to properly store them either when they are dirty or clean, or wash, dry and store them immediately after use it's just they are less prone to contamination due the flat weave of the material.
    Does Big Blue Drying Towel absorb more water because it's much heavier (e.g. 1200 g/m2) compared to Guzzler Waffle Weave (e.g. 350 g/m2)?

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