A few weeks ago, my beloved classic car suddenly broke down in the middle of a remote country road. A look under the hood confirmed my worst fears: some key parts are in catastrophic condition. I asked the local mechanic for advice and he told me that I urgently need spare parts to get my Jawa running again.
The problem is that replacement parts for these old treasures are hard to find. Most motorcycle shops here only stock parts for the latest models, and my Jawa is definitely not standard. I feel like I'm looking for the proverbial needle in a haystack.
I hope that some of you might have an insider tip or can recommend a reliable source where I can find the spare parts I need for my Jawa 350 (I don't know how safe is this online shop: JawaShop.com - We'll get you back on the road. ).
. These are special parts such as the carburetor, the piston rings and the ignition distributor. I'm willing to search worldwide if necessary to get my beloved machine back on the road.
Maybe you have had similar experiences or know someone who can help me. I would appreciate any information, advice or contacts you can share