I get my Xfinity bill the other day, along with a letter to inform me of 3 separate rate increases. Ok, I'm starting to get use to everything going up, but the problem is I SIGNED A 24 MONTH CONTRACT (WITH A AGREED UPON PRICE) 18 MONTHS AGO!!!!

I know better then to try and resolve on the phone so I visit a physical location. I arrived 10 minutes early to find 25 cars with people sitting in them waiting to open. Fortunately for me people are too lazy to actually stand in line so I get a jump on the crowd and am first in line.

Once I get in the store (everyone is wearing a stupid mask) I approach the counter and tell the young lady my concerns. She immediately goes into defense mode. She calls the manager over only for me to receive more of the same. The manager says: "we can't control tax increases" . Ok, I get that, BUT ALL 3 OF THESE INCREASES ARE XFINITY FEES!!!!! When I make her aware of this she looks at the paper again, says, huh, but then tells me they have no control over TAX INCREASES (again!!). By this time I am getting hot under the collar. I can tell we aren't going to get anywhere (BECAUSE SHE'S A IDIOT!!!!!), so I tell her I will see her in court. She smiles and tells me to have I nice day. I respond back with something along the lines of what she can go do to herself (not Christ like I know) and then walk out the door.

I get home and call the dreaded 800 number. After 15 minutes of pushing buttons I am told to click this link (I don't click links) otherwise hold time will be much longer (that's ok. I have all day!!). After a second prompt to click the link I am hit with a moment of silence. Following this moment of silence I am hit with:
"Thank you for calling Xfinity. Hope you have a great day"!!

Anyone else ever experience this sort of thing or is it just me?