Just had to post this experience I had today:

After work, I ran a few errands and the last stop was the grocery store to pick up a few things. I grabbed what the wife had written down, and a few things I wanted, and headed to the checkout.

When I got there, their was a young woman just finishing paying, but she forgot to apply a coupon. The cashier gladly redid the transaction for her (Took like 30 seconds). I hear a grunt and moan from behind me.

In front of me was an elderly women. Had to be at least 80. She only had about 7 items.

When the cashier scanned one of her items, it didn't reflect the sale price, so she questioned it.

The lip clicking and sighs from behind me was now SO audible that I just had to turn around, look at them and say "What in the hell is your problem? What if this was your own grandmother?" The party just rolled their eyes.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting a little sick of how most people have zero tolerance or compassion for others, and expect everything to instantly cater to themselves.

Rant over. Lol