Which browser do you use to read the forum?

Just curios? Which browser to you use to read the forum?

Because I started the poll I'm happy to go first. I use Internet Explorer because it takes advantage of all the features available in vBulletin.

My guess is most people don't use both WYSIWYG and Code View when typing on the forum but I do. Internet Explorer makes it easy to toggle back and forth between these to views. I use this when answering people using the "Multi-Quote" option to answer questions, which I use often when answer with detailed replies.

I also use it when posting mega pictures because it's so much faster to use the Code View to copy and paste multiple strings of code.

If all I did was post one-liner answers then I could use anything.

On my phone, tablet and laptop I use either Safari, (apple browser), or the TapaTalk App.

For those that don't know, you can insert pictures into your posts using the TapaTalk App

Sometimes I use Firefox to troubleshoot issues, for example, right now something has changed on the forum and Internet Explorer is not displaying YouTube videos.