Two of your favorite Pinnacle XMT products, 360 Spray Wax and Gel Shampoo & Conditioner, have been reformulated! We're going to kick off the launch of these two new formulas with a giveaway!

The new formula Pinnacle XMT 360 Spray Wax is now loaded with advanced UVA and UVB absorbers that provide increased protection against the sun's rays. In addition to the more advanced protection, the new formula also contains additional gloss enhancers for an even better shine than before!

The new formula Pinnacle XMT Gel Shampoo & Conditioner is still one of the most concentrated shampoos available but now features additional conditioning agents and gloss enhancers to provide even more shine and slickness after each wash!

Max's Corvette convertible after using the new formula Pinnacle XMT 360 Spray Wax.

TEN lucky Auto Geeks will be receiving a bottle of BOTH new formula XMT products. To qualify to win simply agree to write a review of both new formulas and post it on the forum. The winners will be picked at random on Monday, November 21st.

Pinnacle XMT 360 Spray Wax New & Improved!

Pinnacle XMT Gel Shampoo & Conditioner New & Improved!