For the love of God my heads gonna explode! I have been searching and researching with an effort not to become a product chemist or expert. I am just an old school average Joe who bought a new vehicle with prepped naked paint, trim and glass. I would love to enter into the world of coating technology for my daily driver. That said I am not looking to stock my garage with a ton of products designed for multiple surfaces. I would like find a very versatile product that can be used on many different exterior surfaces and I realize durability may not be the same on all surfaces from said product. It would still be better than wax in my mind.

I want a sio2 coating product that can be sprayed on any vehicle exterior dry surface / applicator pad and applied like a wax to paint, glass, plastic, wheels, moldings/trim . Is that asking to much? I have been looking at Gyeon Can Coat but there has to other products in this catagory that are true SIO2 spray sealants.

These manufacturers do not make it easy to compare ingredients and product capabilities and application. Whats to hide??? Sure would eliminate the frustration and confusion. Maybe some one should come up with a cross reference chart for these coating products to show product grade, surface material compatibility, type application...etc, etc. Any way I want to say THANK YOU for everyone who responds and contributes there knowledge, experience and wisdom for all in all the posts on the forum daily.