Hello to All,

So i became a new motorcycle owner yesterday...Suzuki GSX-R 600. I have a few questions about motorcycle care. Hope that the seasoned veterans can help.

1. I'm looking to get a form fitting cover that covers against dust as the bike will be garage kept.

2. Washing a bike...aside from not hitting the intakes with a jet of water, what else do i need to know? Obviously, the body of the bike is made of hard plastic, along with the headlight, tail lights, and the windscreen. The remainder of the bike is chrome and black metal (i'm assuming).

So, washing the bike, can i use your typical car wash like DG 901?

What about protection...being that its mainly plastic, is a wax like pinnacle ok or something specific for plastics?

Are there motorcycle specific cleaners and protection stuff?

Anything else in which you can think of in with would be beneficial for me know when cleaning / detailing my new sportbike, please please let me know.
