Hi guys,

Today I present the new Optimum Tire Protection & Coating with special guest Yvan Lacroix himself, VP of Optimum Polymer Technologies! This is a water-based dressing that will not sling and can last upwards of 6 to 12 months. In his testing he even has a vehicle that has had the tire coating on for 15 months and it's still on there.

It takes a bit more time to apply then a regular dressing, but the finish is awesome and it's dry to the touch. It has a silky feel, pretty cool. Not too glossy, and not too matte. I had it applied on my winter wheels (at the same time as Opti-Coat Pro+ on my paintwork) but I will also apply it on my summer wheels once I have them installed, so I can test for long term durability myself and report back to you guys.

Enjoy the video!