Couple of questions if you guys have time:
  1. Are you staying busy?
  2. Do you have a backup plan?
  3. How are you handling it?

For reference I'm in Maine, and we still haven't really felt the full effects of it yet, but business is dead. Non-essential businesses are still allowed to be open (for now) but there seems to be no demand at all. I don't blame people as detailing is probably the last thing on their minds right now.

My business is still in it's early infantile stage and this isn't the spring boom I was hoping for. Scraping through January was rough, February was a nice busy burst, but March has petered off into nothing.

I've got~6 weeks of runway left and I think it's time for plan B. I don't have much hope for landing a loan from the SBA as my revenue for last year was pretty low. I'm thinking my best bet is to hibernate the business and go back into the software dev field for now.