Backing Plate Swap - 5 inch backing plate for the Griot's Garage G9

For everyone purchasing a Griot's Garage G9 random orbital polisher, (either from Autogeek or somewhere else), it comes from the factory, (in the box), with a 6" backing plate. I'm telling you straight-up, this tool has the POWER to turn and churn any 6" and larger pads that you attach to this size backing plate.

BUT - the way my mind thinks is like this,

After purchasing the tool, the next thing you're going to do is start investing money into pads. Smaller diameter pads fit modern car body panels better. That's simply a fact. So before investing your hard earned money in 6" and larger diameter pads, bite the bullet and get the Griot's 5" backing plate and THEN start investing in 5.5" and 6" buffing pads.

I guarantee you - you will appreciate this as time goes by.

Here's my personal G9 - given to me by Griot's. I tend to put my name on all my work tools for 2 reasons,

1: So if someone steals any of the tools they'll remember where they stole it from and who.

2: It's in my contract that I can keep all prototypes and new tools given to me by tool companies. I have a nice collection to date.

In the below picture you can also see the 5" backing plate compared to the factory installed 6" backing plate.

5" backing plate on the left, factory installed 6" backing plate on the right.

To remove the 6" backing plate you insert the 14mm backing plate wrench in behind the backing plate onto the free spinning spindle. You'll seen in another picture below what you're trying to do here.

While holding the spindle in place, grab the backing plate and turn it counter clockwise.

With the backing plate removed, you can now see where the wrench is fits onto the free floating spindle bearing.

To install the 5" backing plate, I place my thumb on the compression washer to make sure it doesn't fall off and then align the threaded stud wit the spindle...

Start the backing plate threading into the spindle - it should spin in easily with just your fingers spinning the backing plate clockwise.

Then hold the spindle with the wrench from spinning while tightening down the backing plate until snug.

Next center the backing plate onto your buffing pad of choice and you're ready to start buffing with a 5" backing plate.


Griot's Garage G9 - 5 inch Vented Backing Plate