Pictures of Micro-Marring - DA Haze - Tick Marks - Compounds - Polishes - AIOs - Clearcoat Paints

Some pictures I took today showing what micro-marring looks like on black paint. You will also see people refer to this as,

DA Haze
Tick Marks
Shadow Effect

The first picture is using a SCANGRIP light and the second picture is using the flash on my Canon T6i

Medium micro-marring

This is a close-up cropped out of the original.

Same area lit up with the camera flash

Light micro-marring

This is a close-up cropped out of the original.

Same area lit up with the camera flash

For the above, I chose to use the words medium and light to judge the level of micro-marring. I've seen worse so I didn't want to use the term heavy or deep, or ?

Tomorrow I'll see if I can get a picture of the sun shining down on these areas so in the future, if you think you're seeing micro-marring and you can move your car into the sun, you'll have a better chance at gauging what you're looking at.