Ceramic Paint Coating Lingo (words used in the car detailing industry to describe the paint coating process)

Let's talk about the new lingo that has evolved with ceramic paint coatings. Below are some traditional words used when talking about "waxing a car" and their new replacements when talking about "coating a car".

We use say compounding and polishing - now it's paint correction

We use to say applying a coat of wax, now it's installing a ceramic coating

We use to say wiping off a coat of wax, now it's giving the panel a final buff

We use to say, removing wax smears, now it's removing high spots

In reality, the action of doing any of the above for coatings is the same action when working with waxes, the only thing that has changed is the product and now the lingo.

And when you start using the new lingo around the un-initiated, they are going to look at you as though you are from Mars!