Seeing Dots! Help! - Pinhole or Solvent Pop? Common Paint Issue

Started polishing the hood today and had to stop because when I was done, I saw these tiny little dots all over that I couldn't remove. Here's the pictures.

Before starting:

After polishing (the swirls are gone but these dots are present):

The process I used was that I clay bared the hood and then used Menz PO85RD and grey pad with the PC on 5. (I put the product on only after misting the (new) CCS pad with the XMT conditioner.) After wiping that off (and it took a lot of effort because it was dry in places), I used a blue pad with the same Menz product and same PC setting. That wiped off a lot easier. The working time of the Menz product was like 30 seconds before it started to dry. I tried using more product. I tried using less product. The pad was not spinning like it should have either. I don't know what I'm doing wrong there because I've watched the process of Mike Phillips using the PC and it seemed like he had twice the working time that I had - different products though.

When I pulled the vehicle out into the sun, I saw these dots. I tried using the gray pad again but still no luck with the dots. I'm starting to question if they were there to begin with and I just didn't use an aggressive enough product from the start to remove them. I have some PO106FA but didn't want to go any further until I consulted with the forum.

Does anyone know what these dots are and if I put them in the finish? And does anyone know why the working time of the Menz product was so short?