I have been a dedicated Rupes and Meguiars user for a long time. recently as some of you know my friend Rod Kraft left Meguiars and went to work for Griots. As enthusiastic as he was about Meguiars, I felt this must mean Something! He came to the shop and we worked on a test hood with the Boss system and I was impressed to say the least.But what really impressed me was the machines.I had the opportunity to use a pre production one at NXT east and wasn't impressed ,the vibration was terrible.But whatever they've done has impressed me! After using the liquids for a few weeks I have been trying some of the other products also.So a week or two ago my Rupes 15 that was one of the first in the country finally gave up. So I purchased a Griots 15.After using it on several cars I am not going back! virtually no vibration,and I love the rubber grips.with the warranty and the time they give you to try it,I don't think that you can beat It! Now I am in no means knocking Rupes or Meguiars as they have been very good to me over the past years.And I know some have called them a knockoff , I think they have improved some aspects and I like the fact they tell me how to make the machine better and include the washer if I need it. So with that being said we are switching to all Griots products and with the exception of my I brid all Griots machines and products.I highly suggest you give them a try!