Blast from the past - TR3 Resin Glaze

When I was younger, this was a popular product and I remember purchasing a can to test out on my own car. I don't remember being overly impressed by it because after using it I continued my search for the "Best Wax".

Back when I ran the Meguiar's forum I created a forum group called,

Blast from the past!

In this group myself and others would share vintage and antique products in our car wax collections. When we have visitors to Autogeek, if they visit me in my office, most people are curious and interested to check out some of the unique products in my collections. I wasn't on the forum or facebook much today as I was doing inventory with the products used for our classes here at Autogeek. Before I leave for the weekend I thought I would share something from my collection to get this new group going.

I present...

TR3 Resin Glaze

This isn't the can I purchased back in the 1970's but a can someone gave me in the last few years. While it's not from the 1970's or even the 1980's, (it has a .com domain name on the side label), it looks exactly like the can of TR3 Resin Glaze I purchased and applied to my high school car.

Like most of the products you'll find at a retail store, this is a one-step cleaner/sealant. It would be called a one-step cleaner/wax except the protection ingredients are not wax but some form of synthetic or man-made ingredients. Same idea though.