Bruno has a 2 big races this weekend and him and I schemed up a great way for more people to win as he races. Talked to Max and he said yeah, and then as if magic was being used Meghan slipped me some awesome prizes to give out this weekend as part of the Win with Bruno contest.

Win with Bruno Contest

Ok here is how it is going to go down this weekend. Bruno is racing in 2 different races this weekend up in Chicago. There will be a prize given away after each round that Bruno races - 8 total! Plus there will be the 2 Autogeek Racing Prize packs that will be given to the winners... cough, cough, WHEN Bruno wins both races this weekend. No pressure Bruno! LOL. The winners will be notified by text and given information on how to collect the prize.

So if you are already entered in the Win with Bruno contest, you're in. If you are not signed up yet there is still time. Entry is easy, simply text BRUNO to 411247 on your phone and that is it!