Motorhead Garage - Hand Polishing with Pinnacle - Episode 2

Products Featured
Pinnacle Ultra Poly Clay Kit
Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion
Pinnacle Souveran Paste Wax
Pinnacle Foam Wax Applicators
Cobra Gold Plush Jr. Microfiber Towel, 16 x 16 inches

What it's like behind the scenes of a TV show with Dave Bowman and Sam Memmolo of Motorhead Garage!

Motorhead Garage, a brand new television series starring Sam Memmolo and Dave Bowman, formerly of Shadetree Mechanic and Two Guys Garage will debut their first segment on Sunday, July 25th, 2010 at 11:30am nationwide on the Fox Sports Network.

It will repeat on Monday, July 26, 2010 at 4:30pm, and will run for twelve (12) consecutive weeks, at those time slots, in third quarter 2010. The series will then return to FSN in January of 2011 for an additional twenty-six (26) weeks.

Click here to watch Episode 2 with Pinnacle Products and Mike Phillips

Autogeek Signs on as the "Presents Sponsor"
On July 7, 2010, signed on as the "Presents Sponsor" of the new Fox Sports Network television series Motorhead Garage.

Motorhead Garage will demonstrate step by step aftermarket product installation on a project vehicle. Throughout the show, Autogeek will feature detailing tips and product how-to's, in addition to being the "Presents Sponsor."

Motorhead Garage Press Release
Autogeek Sponsorship Press Release

I arrived back into Stuart, Florida late Thursday, evening on July 22nd, 2010 after spending 3 days on the set of the new television series Motorhead Garage! This was valuable experience and a new pinnacle in my career since joining Autogeek in August of 2009. I had the opportunity to watch two masters of "How-To" television apply their craft on the set of Motorhead Garage.

Sam and Dave are not only true "Car Guys" but also some of the nicest and most personable people you'll meet in the car hobby. I had the opportunity to visit with both stars of the show during our lunch breaks and a private dinner on Wednesday night. Both Sam and Dave are walking encyclopedia's of such a wide spectrum of car knowledge that it's was very apparent to me that these guys have forgotten more than I'll ever now about cars, engines, and anything car related.

Besides shop talk, it was fun to hear their behind the scenes stories from all the TV shows they've hosted and car shows and events they've been a part of, it was truly an experience that I'll remember forever.

Besides having a lot of fun, I had the opportunity to get schooled by two of the most recognized veterans of Car Guy TV on how to work in front of the camera. Both Sam and Dave generously shared with me a lifetime of education they've gained from real-world experience on how to share how-to information or education is a better term, via television. You can't learn this kind of information at any school or by reading about it on the Internet, it's truly insider information that can only be obtained in person from people willing to share what they know to help other's be successful. For their time and willingness to share I will be eternally grateful.

What it's like behind the scenes of a TV show
Whenever you’re watching a TV show for the most part everything flows smoothing and seamlessly, but behind the scenes it’s nothing like that at all for the most part. Creating a TV show or even making a video is a lot of work and a 2-3 minute segment can take an hour to set up and shoot to the point where you have good final takes in the can. Here's a few of things that are involved with working on a TV set, there's more to it than this but this will give you and idea...

Car Placement
The first thing that needs to be done is the shot needs to be set-up, this would include putting whatever car is going to be used for the shot into the right position.

Camera Placement
On this set there were 3 cameras and all 3 cameras need to be able to be in a position to capture specific shots from specific angles to best showcase either the process or the product and usually both. The Boom Camera, which is the long tube attached to a rolling tripod with a camera on one end and a monitor and counterweights on the other end, needs to be strategically placed in order to get all the really cool sweeping in and out shots plus high overhead shots. The other cameras are usually positioned one for side shots and one for front shots.

Lighting for the set is arranged after the car is moved into position. Lighting a set to enable the cameras to clearly capture the focal point of the shot is truly an art form and takes a little time as lights are moved around and then the shots are viewed in the monitors. All this takes a team of people working together until till perfection is achieved.

Any props, tables or carts need to have their location scienced-out so that the hosts can reach the products and or tools needed for the shot and so that the cameras can also include shots of the products and/or tools during the shoot.

Everyone in the shot needs to have a mic which includes a transmitter attached to usually their back pocket and then the actual microphone is clipped to the top, front of their shirt to pick up their voice. Mic checks are done on everyone to make sure quality of pick-up and sound volume is working correctly.

Dry Run
After all the above is done, then it’s time for a dry run. This is where the hosts and the guest do a couple of practice runs taking turns speaking their segments of the scene. This is probably one of the most important parts of a successful shoot because it's going through the motions of the dry run where you make sure all the details have been considered. Sam and Dave are real Pros at this and it’s this synergy between these two guys that enables them to make it look so easy when you see the final cut.

Roll Cameras – Action!
After the dry run is scienced-out and everyone knows what they’re going to say and what they’re going to do, the director will tell the camera operators to bring their cameras up to speed. As soon as the cameras are up to speed, the camera operators signal the director and then the director says, “Action” and that’s when the everything comes together to create a dedicated scene or segment of the show. If a mistake is made, everything comes to stop, everyone re-groups and you try Take 2. Sam and Dave are pretty good at getting their scenes down in 1 take and sometimes 2 takes and this is the goal because this dramatically reduces the time to shoot a 30 minute TV show.

As hard as everyone tries, it’s a given that surprises happen! It could be anything from picking up a product off the table and having it fall apart in your hands because something was loose or saying one single word out of place. This gives everyone a good laugh and helps to keep working on the set fun and light hearted. One thing for sure, it’s always more fun when the blooper happens to the other guy.

The actual shots or scenes...
The how-to segment I was in lasts for 4-5 minutes, hard to know for sure till the final edit is finished. It took us about an hour to create the 5 minute segment. Most of this was moving the car into place, setting up the table with products you’ll see behind the three of us, and all the usual tasks like positioning the cameras, lighting the set etc. The actual filming of this segment probably took 30 minutes.

Behind the scenes pictures
Without further ado… here’s some pictures from the Autogeek how-to segment, which will be featured on the second Motorhead Garage show.

First, this is a "Working Garage", it's actually a portion of Illusions Custom Paint & Body who specialize in custom paint and bodywork.

This is standing at the back of the Cadillac Ambulance and looking to the other end of the shop where you can see Wayne, one of the Camera Operators manning the Boom Camera. Behind him is a restored 1953 Lincoln.

This is Wayne, standing at the ready with the Boom Camera.

Wayne has a monitor so he can see what the camera is seeing at all times. The director also has a feed from Wayne's camera so he can see what the Boom Camera is seeing.

Here's Butch McCall, one of the owners of Master's TV with me about the shot, behind him is Sherry Price-McCall and then to the right of her is Sam Memmolo and to the right of Sam is Dave Bowman.

Sam and Sherry talking before we shoot...

Dave Bowman and me talking before the shoot...

Here's Dave, me and Sam doing a dry run...

Here I'm explaining how to clay while claying...

This is Brendon, one of the Camera Operators...

Talking shop as we getting ready to start...

This was a 1st Take that we ended up taking over, both Dave and Sam are feeling the paint after I clayed it...

Take 2 - Showing "how-to" using detailing clay on Motorhead Garage!

Sam's explaining the benefit to claying to create a smooth as glass surface...

Dave and Sam feeling the before side and then the after side and commenting in the shot...

Dave's asking me questions that he knows the audience would ask about claying if they could...

In this shot I share how-to use a hand applied paint cleaner and why it's an important step to a show car finsih...

Here we talk a little bit about proper technique...

Applying Pinnacle Paintwork Cleaning Lotion...

Next I show applying Pinnacle Souveran Carnauba Paste Wax using the straight-line technique...

Sam inspects the results and talks with Dave...

Getting instructions from the Director for how to wrap it up...

Wiping off the Pinnacle Souveran to reveal a sizzling shine!

And here are the cameras getting some close-up shots as I light up the finish using the Brinkmann Swirl Finder Light.

The above segment will be aired in the second show of Motorhead Garage, I'll post the dates and air times as soon as I receive them.