The private school I work for has a small fleet of vehicles that are leased. The Physical Plant staff is required to keep these vehicles clean inside and out. We have 5 mini-buses (15 passenger) and 4 general transportation (Honda Odyssey's at this point). There have been issues for the last couple years getting this work done during the summer months (everyone is too busy with other things). I'm looking for suggestions on tools or equipment that might make cleaning easier. We have a large inside facility with compressors, vaccums, ladders and such. What I'm wondering is whether using things like foam cannons, pressure washers, tornadors would make things easier for the staff to quickly get this done. Also, there isn't time for detailing per se, but are there some cleaners that leave a better finish than other (i.e. CG Glossworkz). Any thoughts or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
