Hi all,

Yesterday I applied Wolfgang Deep Gloss Sealant after washing, claying, and applying Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion. The Pinnacle was applied by machine and the WDGS was applied by hand with a yellow foam applicator.

This afternoon when I got in my car I rubbed my hand on the hood and found that it felt like there were tons of small bumps like I haven't clayed the car in ten years. When running a micro fiber cloth over the car you can actually here it come in contact with the bumps and even tiny pieces of lint are caught.It didn't have that feel right after applying the sealant.

It has been a little over 24 hours since it was applied. I ensured to let it sit on the car for 45 minutes before buffing it off and I tried to apply as thing of a coat as possible. In addition, the car was stored in a garage overnight to avoid any moisture affecting the sealant. This afternoon's temp was about 83 and my car is a brown bronze color.

It looks beautiful, but is this normal? Did I make a mistake by applying the WDGS on top of the Cleansing Lotion?

Thanks for any help.
