Hey guys, I need some advice.

My girlfriend's car is a 95 celica with seriously neglected paint and a roughed up body. I looks like the previous owner(s) never washed it at all and it has major sun damage. I don't plan on bringing it back to life because the clear coat is gone on a large portion of the car, and the only way to fix this paint is to repaint it. I'm more concerned about protecting what paint is left so we don't lose anymore of it.

I've tried to lay some wax down on it before, but on the portions that are missing clear coat, it pulls the blue paint out and turns my foam applicator blue which I feel like is working backwards. These are the products I have, if anyone can give me a recommendation on the process I should take, I'd really appreciate it.

Megs gold class wash
Megs UC
Megs UP
Megs UQW
Optimum Opti-Seal
Collinite 845

Like I said, this paint can't be saved, not looking to remove scratches from a car that has more dents and fading paint than a 2 cent hooker, just looking to prolong any more damage it may take. Thanks in advance for the advice guys