Tire and wheel well dressing I've tried a number of different products from cheap Armor All to Tire Wet and now Meguiars Hot Shine. There have been many in between. The Tire Wet and Meguiars seem to be pretty good in that they don't cause drying or browning. However, they still wash off easily. I recently put two coats of the Meguiars on (allowed ample time to dry before driving) and it looks like about 50% washed off just after rain we had here in NJ.

Should I switch to a tire gel for higher endurance? Which brand if so? I would like something with ahigh gloss shine.

Has anyone tried the Forever Black Tire gel kit? It states that it's a dye and will keep the tire black for months.

Also, what about the wheel well? What do you use to dress that...I was going to use a spray tire dressing to detail that. Any reason why not or something better?