I know the Bilt Hamber brand has some fans here, and that getting these products is a challenge for those who live in the US and Canada.

As I have mentioned in the past, the US market distribution has changed and will soon be the responsibility of Obsessed Garage. I know this is a contentious situation as many take issue with some of his views and approach to retailing. Going from his most recent wash-n-talk, the following is how the brand will be represented in the US and Canada markets -

- Obsessed Garage now has the US and Canada distribution rights for the Bilt Hamber Brand.

- A select range of Bilt Hamber products will be offered in the OG store, namely Touchless, Atom Mac, Traceless and the three clay bars. These will be available soon.

- A separate Bilt Hamber US website will stock the entire range of products, with orders processed and sent out from the OG warehouse. These will be available in the coming 6+ months.

- There are further plans to wholesale the Bilt Hamber range to other detailing suppliers. The plan is to cherry pick retailers who "provide value to the detailing community". This is a longer-term objective.

So for those who have issue "supporting" OG, there will be less direct ways of buying BH products going forward.

If you wish to watch the video, I have provided the link below (BH talk starts from about the 14min mark) -

Wash & Talk on The LZ GT3 Touring (youtube.com)

As for Australia, we have had the Bilt Hamber range freely available for a while now, spread across a select few retailers. I was lucky to have been sent the range to try, some have impressed, others confused. The one getting most use for me is Atom Mac, a rust inhibitor used to prevent rotors from glazing over with rust. I also really appreciate what Surfex can do as a powerful degreaser! I know everyone is mad for Touchless and Autofoam and I appreciate its ability, but I really have no use for it in this climate.

NOTE - I am not posting this as a way of helping OG sell more product, I have no direct link with the company, although I am a follower. I've posted this because I know it's been hard to get these products for those who get great benefit from them, and unless you have followed OG, you may not have known the BH range is coming in an official capacity.