As I look back over the year, my family would tell you I've been basically nuts about maintaining the car.

"How much cleaner can a car get?"

"You're going to wash the paint off!"

"Is all of that really necessary?"

They don't know that if you drop 10+ hours getting it looking right, you want to maintain that look.

That being said, I'm looking out the window and staring at what will basically amount to a solid week of rain. But the kicker is that it's still relatively warm here in southern New England. Temps are in the mid to high 50's with this rain, and Monday is scheduled to have a high of 64. That's really solid for Nov 1st...which means I'll probably be out there washing things off in some fashion.

But this is the start of the Season of Discontent for many of us, when it becomes too cold and impractical to keep that summer look all fresh and clean, especially if you park outside. I think I had the car looking top-notch from the beginning of May (possibly late April) to now it's looking like November. That's many months of obsessing over details and cleaning...and I love it. It's crazy, but the car virtually never looked dirty for that entire time.

Generally speaking the offseason is right around the corner for me. If the weather cooperates I'll still do the occasional wash, but for the most part I'm looking at ignoring the car from Thanksgiving to the 2022 Masters. I'll run it through a touchless here and there, maybe a rinseless or two as well, and that'll be it. I'll wonder what grime is accumulating and what my plan of attack will be in the spring. I'll fondly remember remember warm mornings with leaves rustling in the wind, the scent of the finest detailing products lightly being carried by a gentle breeze.


What do you all do during your "offseason"?