Hi AG,

SO, I bought my 1967 Camaro already restored. From what I can tell it was somewhat of a budget restoration and not a full frameoff / no expense spared restoration.

Regarding the paint: I think the paint itself looks quite good. Color is nice, deep, and very shiny. It was swirl-city when I got it, but I have since had it corrected, polished and coated. Pic of the car below.

Problem I am having, is the clear coat seems to be incredibly soft (I sneeze and swirl marks show up...), and for whatever reason doesn't play well with waterless washes or quick detailers. Often when I use a WW or QD, after buffing it off I see trails of the product remaining on the clear coat (tried to take a picture below). Kind of like streaking or staining.

Now, admittedly I know swirls don't just show up out of nowhere, so I'm obviously causing them, but I'm generally pretty careful with maintenance, and only drive the car 2x or so times a month, so am just surprised at the pace at which swirls seems to be coming back post correction. I do keep it under a cover indoors, so I suspect taking the cover on / off might be part of the problem.

Any ideas on whether it might be a very soft / sensitive or poor quality clear coat? Any suggestion on ways to mask some of the swirls without removing the coating (will try Essence Plus since I have that already).
