I did try searching but came up with a few different ideas behind knee pads..... pants with knee pads built in, a knee pad cushion autogeek sells to carry around etc.... I personally think a NICE pair of knee pads I can strap to my knees would be ideal.... only because that's one less thing to carry around as they are strapped to my knees. I would love to hear all opinions on what knee pads are ideal for you all.... I personally have a bad left knee that is bone on bone.... tore my ACL about 19 years ago without any surgery to correct the issue. I need KNEE SUPPORT and comfort. Not interested in spending 20 dollars on something that might be a waste the more I try to use them. Thank you all for your thoughts.

p.s. I do realize my $150 dollar budget is high.....but the price I will pay to keep a knee replacement from the near future..... I will definitely invest what it takes for best knee protection. Thank you! any thoughts on these motorcycle knee pads? lol anyway there are too many options! https://www.amazon.com/EVS-Sports-TP...ords=knee+pads