Hello all,

I am at my wits end when drying my new accord as it has soft paint. Only had VW's with crazy hard paint so never had a problem with drying, marring etc. I have tried ONR at QD strength and its horrible as its not slick and my towels were dragging even using a damp MF purple plush that was "primed" with ONR and ONR was sprayed on the panel. Result was towel marring and spotting as I spent to long rectifyng one panel and was a bit late to the others.

Question/Problem: I need a drying aid, and meguiars is the only brand easily available locally through a megs distributor.

I need a product which I can use a drying aid, i.e. once I have sheeted all the water off and before a towel hits the paint. I do plan on blotting as much water as I can with a WW (bloody inconvenient I must say), once blotted with WW I plan on using a purple plush for the drying aid, QD...whatever you want to call it.

M135 - common consensus is to use it on a dry surface, and for removing light dust. It is similar to megs UQD - not sure how I can use a drying aid.

D156 - common consensus is to use it on a dry surface as a booster. Barry Meguair himself says to not use it too much as too much wax can make the paint dull (duh..) so this might be overkill after every wash. Also mixing it with water diminishes its properties. It is similar to megs UQW - again not sure. PEOPLE LOVE IT! SO please do chime in if you use this.

Last touch detailer - Not really sure about this one as it has many uses.

What do most people here use as drying aid to avoid marring on soft paint and most importantly HOW! The weather is plain HOT and water dries in minutes and dust shows up within minutes too. The product has to be from Megs....as I am limited to that.

I could just get the consumer versions too (UQD and UQW) but they are too expensive. I am better off getting the gallons from the distributor although more than an hours drive away.

Please Help