I have been studying/lurking for the last year, and last fall/early spring polished my (new to me) Prowler. I used Meguiars 105/205 combination, followed by Menzerna 4500. I ended up with a pretty darn swirl free finish (a couple deeper scratches that couldn't be removed). All of this was followed by 3-4+ coats of Klasse SG, which was then followed by Pinnacle Signature II Carnuba. My thought has been to protect the finish with the Klasse SG, and protect the Klasse with the Carnuba.

The car was driven approx. 2500 miles over the summer, washed weekly so not a lot of contamination, maybe in the rain once or twice over the summer.

So with all of that said, I'd like to put on a fresh coat of wax, again to protect everything underneath, prior to putting it up for the year. I'm thinking I might want to lightly clay (following a wash of course) prior to wax application, just to ensure any contaminants are removed, prior to wax application/buffing.

Thoughts, and/or does that sound like the right way to do this?