North Miami Beach Police Department Certificate of Appreciation

Detective John Gonzalez on behalf of Larry Gomer, the North Miami Beach Chief of Police presenting Bob "Max" McKee with a certificate of appreciation for opening the doors here at Autogeek and providing all the resources and support for the extreme makeover we did to the North Miami Beach Police Department Mobil Command Center.

John also presented me with a certificate of appreciation and I'm accepting it on behalf of all the guys that worked so hard on this project.

To all the guys that helped with the amazing transformation of the North Miami Beach Police Mobil Command Center...

Thank you!

Some of the guys left early but here's who helped with this project...

Paul, Robert, Den, Dan Juan, Chris, Jeff, Detective John Gonzalez, Craig, Tim, Adam, Steve,

Here's Paul and Robert starting out up top...

In the back is Juan, then Dan and then John...

Here's Chris aka Italian Guy...

My good buddy Jeff is a machine, while most everyone else is working on the trailer he's tackling the cab...

Craig is using the Rupes Bigfoot 21...

Me and John tackling the upper portion of the driver's side...

Here's Adam aka Harleyguy taking lead on the metal polishing for the wheels... Chris and Jeff helped out too...

Steve aka Indy, dresses all the plastic trim with Wolfgang Exterior Trim Sealant...

We ran late as this was a HUGE project to tackle and about half of the team needed to get heading home. Here's the last men standing.

From left to right...

Chris, Tim, Dan, Craig, John and Juan...

And here she is in all her glory...

That's the largest Extreme Makeover to go through Autogeek's Show Car Detailing process...

(probably the last too )


On behalf of Max, all the guys and myself, please tell Police Chief Larry Gober thank you for trusting Autogeek with your Mobil Command Center.