Back in the early 1990's there was a new miracle product introduced to the car was market, lots of TV promotions to jump start sales.

One of my customer's brought a can of it to my detail shop for me to test out. I read the label and it said it was clear coat safe but it listed ingredients that could be abrasive. I poured some out and tested it on black paint and it scratched the paint.

So if a person were to use this by machine it would have likely imparted swirls or holograms...

Everything has to be considered...

One thing I've seen over my years of detailing cars and working in the car appearance industry in general is that clear coat paints are actually pretty hard to work on because ANY kind of defect shows up so easily to your eyes. (Scratch-Sensitive)

This has caused all the product manufacturers in this industry to work harder at creating products that work better and everyone benefits.