1st Off I got the Griots DA and all the goodies I ordered from the Geeks. Excellent service, etc from Matt and quick delivery.

Comment: I Love This Griots DA! I am an ex painter in a body shop and as soon as I got it I just fell in love. A few hours later I was using it on our new to me 08 red vette.

Orange pad with Meg's Ultimate Compound, right?
I just ran this over the panel testing out a small section and it did an excellent job at removing scratches and imperfections. Left no swirls, etc and after I did the panel used the mf to wipe off the haze and view how it looked. This is the correct method right, meaning I dont have to break down the product?

Grey pad with SwirlX and DP Poli-Coat right?
I didnt try this out yet but my question is after using the ultimate compound it looks like i could just seal, wait and wax it. Question is I assume using the SwirlX will bring out more gloss on the paint? To what point do you want to work this in? In otherwords when is the panel done and ready to move onto the next section?

Getting the paint to the point its showing as best as possible question? The cars an 08 so does using the Ultimate compound besides working out some tougher inperfections yield me with a better shine? Better paint prep or if there are no imperfections just using the SwirlX would get the job down.

I noticed a few deeper scracthes but upon further inspection it looks like these imperfection could infact came from the factory "meaning its the panel not the paint" Just the way the paint appears to be laying in the imperfection. So I just used the Ultimate Compound and got out all the scratchs and to the point where I was satisfied. I can but will not wetsand, it is what it is.

I plan on heading out to the garage in a few minutes.

Last question I bought painters tape but it seems so wide. I think 1/2 or 3/4 blue tape. Is the realy any chance that the Griots DA with an orange pad and Meg UC can burn an edge? Or is it really as safe as it seems. Because this vette has a lot of curves in the panels. I have a body shop supply store nearby should I buy some thinner tape? Or just go over the areas by hand once removed?

Lastly I never got it up past 4 on the speed. Is this bad? I just worked small areas and made a few passes. I can can crank it up but is it necassary? Does the speed do anything besides speeding up the process? For the compounds to work properly do I really need to bump up the speed?

Interior Product? What can I grab at a local store for the interior and tires thats any good? The black moldings are in terrbible shape for an 08. I have Back to Black is this any good?

Guys / Gals... Thanks for viewing and any comments. I just really want to get this vette looking its best!

Griots DA
Meg's Soap with 2 buckets, Megs UC, Megs SwirlX, DP Poli-Coat, and DP Max Wax
Not sure what I want to use on the tires and interior yet?

Sorry for all of the questions but I am ultra excited! beep beep

That Griots DA is freaking awesome! I have not used the PC or Megs but I am 100% satisfied with my purchase! Thanks