I am getting a new truck that will live outside in the miserable South Florida sun, rains and waterspotting. I will keep it for years, and i want to decide on a paint protection plan using UV blocking product that I can recoat simply or top after washes. My son has the pro-detailing setup for his Shelby, so I can perform all the right prep for any base protection.. So, my question is.. What category of products would you recommend for the long term ? So many new products/layers/stackings/hybrids to choose from.

The truck will be a single stage White.

Waxes: I have been Mr. Collinite for the last five years or so.. I'm kinda over the 2 square feet at a time. Any 6 month waxes with great UV protection ? With a topper ?

Sealants: Any good UV rated sealants I can simply wash & recoat every 6 months, or maintain with a topper between ?

Coatings: Is there a UV coating that does not need compounding off between coats ? I'll never grind down a big, long truck every year and a half.. Are Hybrid sprays
good for years of use as protection ? (Because nobody will ever see it.. I may go with coats of ceramic on the roof.)

Wait for Graphene ? Hahahahaha !

Thank you for your thoughts and recommending some options !!