10 Year Autogeek Anniversary

July 10th, 2009 is my official start date coming to work at Autogeek from Meguiar’s.

That’s a decade of my life helping others, many of whom I’ll never meet, to detail their cars and other various things under the sun.

Helping people with their new cars, old cars, fix their mistakes, fix others mistakes.

Written hundreds of articles, typed out thousands of answers in replies, taught hundreds of classes and shared detailing on TV with millions of people.

Made thousands of friends here in the USA and around the world.

Detailed uncountable cool cars and shared them here on this forum. I call this walking the talk.

I love detailing cool cars and even more, showing others the craft of car detailing and the art of polishing paint.

Below are a few pictures from the 2009 Detai Fest and in one of the pictures you’ll see my hand doing hands-on training with a guy that attended that Detail Fest and that’s kind of a “picture type” of what I’ve done here for the last 10 years. Help bring others a little further up the toad. Or as the title of an old article I wrote years ago goes...

Each one teach one.

Group shot from that first Detail Fest that led to my job here at Autogeek.