alright .. so I have been using the uber rinseless wash for a bit now .. I have noticed issues with spots all over the car and also streaks.

I have read the dilution ratios here and I am using 3oz to a gallon of water and spray and wipe off the car. I will spray .. wipe with one microfiber and then go back over it with a dry microfiber. In bright sun it looks great .. but when the sun starts going down I see the spots/dots all over the car. Now I was just trying to do my daughters black car and the sun is starting to go down. I couldn't wipe fast enough to not get it to streaks/smears that I couldn't get off with the dry cloth. I had to go back over it with the wet cloth and dry cloth right over it .. like swipe wet .. swipe dry. something doesn't seem right with this.

I have a few questions.

My first question is ... is my dilution too much since its streaking?

Also I noticed the dilution is 1oz to 3 gallons of water for a rinesless wash... but the dilution for a detail spray is 3oz to 1 gallon of water. How does that make sense?? why would it be so much less for a rinesless wash vs a detail spray?

Anyone else have issues with this stuff leaving spot or streaks?

Thanks for the help