View Full Version : Ozone Machines

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Jersey John
03-11-2015, 12:32 PM
So I've seen some people talking about ozone machines and I've done just a little research and all I've found is it uses negative ions to remove odors and they cost a fortune. So if anyone can clarify this for me I'd be incredibly grateful and how much do they usually cost because the ones I've found in quick google searches were a couple hundred dollars.
Thanks in advance.

03-11-2015, 08:53 PM
I can speak about this not so much for using it for Auto odor removal, although Im sure it works great for that, but I do use it for odor, bacteria and mold/mildew removal in a school I work for. Ozone is a natural odor eliminator and is basically oxygen with an extra atom attached to it O3 instead of O2. It eventually turns back to regular oxygen in a short amount of time. It is very effective and also a very green way to eliminate odors permanently. If done right it will destroy the odor and not just mask it like other so called odor eliminators. Lightning is one of the biggest producers of natural ozone.

A good machine that actually produces what it says it will produce is not cheap. Ozone is measured in ppm. Ozone is also an oxidizer which can breakdown plastics and rubber if left on too long. What you need to make sure you find is a machine that can shock the inside of the area you are looking to treat for the shortest amount of time. Usually about an hour or less would be perfect for the inside of a vehicle with the ac on or the heat on to recycle through the vents. If you are going more than that then you have a machine that is not capable of putting out enough ozone to really do the job. There is a wealth of information out there that lists how much ozone you need to kill viruses and odors etc. I don't want to write a book on the subject so if you have any particular questions I am happy to answer them. I spent alot of time researching for my particular uses before jumping into using it as well.

Also just wanted to mention that ozone is not negative ions as that is a different process and certainly no where's near as effective as ozone and not even in the same category. It is essentialy worthless for this type of application.

Hope this helps a bit.


03-11-2015, 10:42 PM
Use caution:
The EPA does not certify any air-cleaning devices
to be safe...and that includes ozone generators.


03-12-2015, 06:15 AM
i use them, a co worker of mine has one that i use about 1 time a year

I put it in my vehicle for about 20 min on high, give the interior a shock treatment

Most people run them on high for a longer amount, but i always worry about the dash/plastics

I did have a musty smell in my basement, i used her machine down stairs on high for a couple hours....it eventually went thru the furnace blower and started smelling up stairs

I held my breath and went to unplug it and opened all the windows and doors

1 hour later my entire house smelled like a rain storm came thru...very fresh, clean smelling air

Not recommended to breath in, just let it vent for about a hour and your fine

but they do work....your car interior will smell great for weeks

im looking at buying one from here

Ozone Generator | Ozone Machine for Odor Removal | OdorFree (http://www.odorfreemachines.com/?gclid=CjwKEAjw8oSoBRCss4qDrP3Y7yUSJACKumZ9PqCPGDx H1xbsCDmgvRL3oroPpzUK6SWYNS-5_0qj8BoCx8vw_wcB)

03-12-2015, 07:32 AM
I have one I have used on a home my parents bought that a cat evidently decided to pee in many many times in many rooms. My mom tried natures miracle several times with no help. I put my ozone generator in there for a few hours in each room and the smell seems to be gone now. It's crazy before I would almost drop dead from the sub floor smell in one spot but now I can't smell it all on my hands and knees with nose to it. I got mine off the popular Amazon site it was around 100-120$

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03-12-2015, 07:46 AM
I have one I have used on a home my parents bought that a cat evidently decided to pee in many many times in many rooms. My mom tried natures miracle several times with no help. I put my ozone generator in there for a few hours in each room and the smell seems to be gone now. It's crazy before I would almost drop dead from the sub floor smell in one spot but now I can't smell it all on my hands and knees with nose to it. I got mine off the popular Amazon site it was around 100-120$

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03-12-2015, 09:14 AM
Do any of you guys have good results from Ozone machines in the $50-$100 range? Just seems like something I would barely use to justify spending more then that on, yet would still be nice to have since they seem to work.

Setec Astronomy
03-12-2015, 10:03 AM
It's possible some place rents these things, probably one of those places that rents auto scrubbers for floors and that kind of thing.

EDIT: Holy cow that makes no sense, I found an online place that rents, $99 for two days, plus $50 shipping, or you can rent it for 7 days for $199. If you did that more than once or twice, you could just buy a cheap one. Anyway, I still think you might find a local place that rents if you need this for a specific job.

03-12-2015, 10:16 AM
A place in Milford, MA near me rents one for $28 a day or $84 per week

03-12-2015, 11:55 AM
renting one is all you really need....you will probably only need to do this 1 time a year

maybe 2 times.....

renting for a couple day a year is a great idea!

03-12-2015, 11:57 AM
I just looked mine cost $95 it's called New Comfort commercial 3500mg HE-500

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Audios S6
03-12-2015, 12:04 PM
For the guys with the economical units: It looks like most require separate 'plates' that are replaced as needed. Is this typical of those units? Have you guys found yourselves replacing the plates at a frequent interval?

03-12-2015, 12:23 PM
I just looked mine cost $95 it's called New Comfort commercial 3500mg HE-500

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This looks like a fantastic deal. How do you like it? I'd mainly only be using it on cars.

03-12-2015, 12:51 PM
Posting here instead of hijacking the "Car Scents" thread.

@oldmodman - Thanks for the tips. It looks like one of the newer, cheaper "commercial" units might be a pretty good hundred bucks spent even if I only use it every once in a while.

A question about removing seats: on many cars this will trigger an SRS warning light if you don't disconnect the battery, requiring a dealership trip (if you don't own a brand-specific diagnostic computer). Do you ask people if they have their radio codes before proceeding?

03-14-2015, 11:58 AM
When you reconnect the seat the SRS light should extinguish unless there is a calibration that needs done. But realistically you can have the key off remove the seat put the seat back in and the car never knows you took it out.

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